Can I order replacement parts for my CampStove?
No, we do not offer separate component parts at this time. With proper care and maintenance, your CampStove should last you for...
Where should I store the CampStove?
Store your CampStove in a cool, dry location, avoiding excessive heat. Keep out of the reach of children. If the CampStove goes unused for...
How should I clean the CampStove's power module and fuel chamber?
Power module: Remove the orange plastic power module from the fuel chamber and wipe it down with a damp cloth with soap and water. DO NOT submerge the power...
When can I pack the Power Module inside the Fuel Chamber?
Wait until the fuel chamber is cool before storing the power module inside. This is necessary to protect the plastic from heat. The CampStove...
How can I turn off the CampStove fan?
The power module will turn off automatically as the stove cools. To manually power off, hold the power button for three seconds. After manually turning the fan off, it...